The matrix identifies four different stages of implementation:

Championing: The government is implementing CRPD Articles 27 & 28 and promoting comprehensive changes in laws, policies, systems, and services that have positive impacts on the lives of persons with disabilities in accessing work and employment.

Established: The government has made changes in laws and policies to align with the CRPD but may not have translated policy to start changing systems and services to implement CRPD Articles 27 & 28 in practice.

Initiating: The government has made initial changes to comply with the CRPD or to support inclusion, but they have not made significant progress to fully implement CRPD Articles 27 & 28.

Weak to restrictive: The current legal and policy framework does not promote the rights enshrined in CRPD Articles 27 & 28 or has discriminatory frameworks in place restricting persons with disabilities from participating. Every country will be at a different stage of development and implementation in relation to appropriate legislation, policies and measures needed to access an adequate standard of living and social protection on an equal basis with others.

Insufficient data to assess: OPDs can choose this option if you have insufficient data to make an assessment on their country’s current legal and policy framework to promote the rights enshrined in CRPD Articles 27 & 28.

Knowing where your country is in implementing the different aspects of Articles 27 & 28 can help you understand what is going well, what needs to be changed and what reforms are needed to move into the championing phase of implementation.

Based on the assessment findings, the Inclusion Counts tool can identify the legislative (legal) and policy priorities in your country as well as what changes are needed in practice to fully realise the rights enshrined in Articles 27 & 28.

These findings can also guide how SDGs 1, 2 and 6 should be implemented to be in line with Articles 27 & 28. It is important to remember that as we advocate for implementation of Articles 27 & 28, it also means ensuring the SDGs are implemented in line with the CRPD. Whether your country prioritises the implementation of the CRPD or the SDGs, you can leverage this assessment to promote change in both arenas.

Please note: The criterion in each box of the matrix is there to provide guidance to assess the level of your county’s progress towards implementation of CRPD Articles 27 & 28.