Data is an essential tool to advocate for change. At Leonard Cheshire, we know that inconsistent and poor-quality data hampers the progress of development efforts to improve the lives of people with disabilities. That is why in 2018 we created our ‘Disability Data Portal’. Our portal leads the way in collecting high-quality data to reflect the realities of people with disabilities across the world, and to inform future policy and development reforms.
However, we know that national level data on poverty and social issues that is disaggregated by disability is missing in many countries and regions throughout the world. Yet data on the numbers of persons with disabilities is essential for pushing governments to make widespread change. For example, having data that shows the numbers of persons with disabilities living under the poverty line can help to convince governments to institute policy changes to align with CRPD Article 28.
Why we created the Inclusion Counts Tool:
The Inclusion Counts assessment tool has been created as a key part of our Disability Data Portal, to help to gather evidence and to look for sources of data to support advocacy efforts for Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs).
Central to this tool is the critical importance of the meaningful participation of OPDs in implementation and monitoring processes so that the SDGs, and their key principle of leaving no one behind, are fully achieved in line with the CRPD.
Governments are obligated under both the CRPD and the SDG frameworks to ensure that representatives of civil society, in particular persons with disabilities and their representative organisations, are involved and participate fully in the development of policies and programmes and the monitoring of their implementation.
Not only is consultation with persons with disabilities an essential requirement but upholding the right to meaningful participation can lead to better outcomes and more relevant and inclusive laws and policies for all. The assessment framework within this tool breaks down the framework, measures and safeguards set out under CRPD Article 28 to ensure persons with disabilities have access to an adequate standard of living and social protection on an equal basis.
The tool highlights how OPDs can work in meaningful partnership with governments, development stakeholders and the private sector to implement SDG 1: No poverty, SDG 2: Zero hunger and SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation – in line with CRPD Article 28. OPDs can and must play a central role in the decisions that affect their lives, under the slogan of the global disability movement: Nothing About Us Without Us.
This tools helps to strengthen the collective voice of OPDs to hold governments accountable for their commitments and shape the policies, development plans and budgets of future generations to ensure all persons with disabilities, including the most under-represented, have equal access to resources, education and training, and have the accommodations needed to access an adequate standard of living and social protection on an equal basis with others.